About Us
Serve with Smart and Standardized System Solution
PT. DUTA FUJI ELECTRIC (PT. DFE) was established on July 27th, 1979 in Jakarta. The company acting as the sole agent for the Distribution and Control (D&C) of Fuji Electric electrical components produced by Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Japan.
Early 2019, PT. DUTA FUJI ELECTRIC start to more focus on Electrical System Solution for Critical Power especially on Infrastructure (Airport), Data Center, Hospital, Oil & Gas, Mining and Special Industries with new lineup business unit:
- Drive Automation
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- Surge Protection Device (SPD)
- Factory - Building Automation System
- Active Harmonic Filter
- Electrical…
Our Partners

Fuji Electric
Drive and Automation System
Surge Protection Device (SPD)
AP Sensing
Distribute Temperature Sensing SystemCertification
- All